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Musical Artist Drops Album Reflecting on Life and Gaston County Experiences

Long-time musician Grayson Drum, a familiar figure in Belmont, recently unveiled a fresh album that beautifully merges his affection for both Gaston County and Nashville, Tennessee.

Titled “Love to All People Thru Sonic Empathy Drum Songs,” the album not only shares personal tales and reflections from Drum’s life but also shines a spotlight on the local community in Gaston County.

Growing up immersed in the bluegrass scene of the area, Drum fondly reminisces about his uncle, Robert Guy, who imparted guitar skills to him during his formative years. He often frequented gatherings with a Charlotte-based musical ensemble called the Hogs to revel in the harmonies of bluegrass music.

As time progressed, Drum expanded his instrumental repertoire to include the mandolin and fiddle, even seeking tutelage in mandolin techniques from the esteemed local bluegrass artist, Darin Aldgridge.

In 2018, Drum made the pivotal move to Nashville, where he engaged in various roles within the music industry. However, with the onset of the pandemic in 2020, he returned to his roots in Belmont.

The homecoming provided Drum with a reflective period to contemplate the vibrant tapestry of his experiences and the captivating individuals who colored his journey, ultimately giving birth to the album “Love to All People Thru Sonic Empathy Drum Songs.”

Each track on the album is intricately woven with narratives tied to distinct individuals, poignant memories, or pivotal facets of Drum’s life.

For instance, “Pine Box Guitar” chronicles Drum’s collaborative venture with fellow Belmont native Edward Covington in crafting a guitar. Meanwhile, “Divining Stick” narrates the tale of Drum’s grandfather employing divination techniques to locate optimal well sites for local residents.

Noteworthy is the track “Wrestling is Real,” which pays homage to Jack Beaty, a local entrepreneur and wrestling aficionado who officiated wrestling matches at the Gastonia Armory. Drum challenges the prevalent skepticism regarding the authenticity of wrestling, drawing on childhood beliefs and experiences within the community.

Moreover, tracks like “Laugh at Yourself” delve into Drum’s stint as a truck driver, emphasizing the importance of maintaining levity in the face of challenges—a sentiment born from his own encounters and observations within the industry.

Among the deeply personal compositions is “Gulf War Syndrome,” a poignant tribute to Drum’s uncle, a Gulf War veteran whose battles with neurological complications are poignantly depicted in the song. This heartfelt creation sheds light on the struggles faced by individuals grappling with such health conditions, often overlooked in society.

Additionally, the evocative “Spring Hill Cemetery” serves as a poignant ode to Drum’s grandmother, Norma Faye Orton, bridging the musical influences of Nashville, bluegrass roots, and Gaston County connections. The song encapsulates themes of familial bonds, loss, and honoring those who selflessly impact our lives.

Looking ahead, Drum is set to grace several live events across the county, inviting music aficionados to join him on this melodic journey. For updates on his performances, interested individuals can connect with him on Instagram @drumgrayson.

In Drum’s own words, “I extend a warm invitation to everyone to immerse themselves in this record, to explore its depths, and draw inspiration from the profound narratives it encapsulates. These songs are a tribute to the individuals who have left an indelible mark on my life—a celebration of their love and enduring influence.”

For those eager to experience the album firsthand, “Love to All People Thru Sonic Empathy Drum Songs” is now accessible on all major music platforms.