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Top Luxury Travel Destinations for Discerning Travelers

A recent study has revealed the premier luxury vacation destinations, with Costa Rica standing out as the most coveted location. Researchers in the industry analyzed the monthly search volume in the United States for various upscale vacation spots globally over the past year.

The investigation was centered on a set of holiday-related keywords such as ‘travel,’ ‘luxury,’ and ‘itinerary,’ with the ranking determined by the destinations with the highest search volume.

Costa Rica claims the top spot, with an average monthly search volume of 34,248. Significant search interest was also noted in California, with 4,712.50 searches, Florida with 2,984.17 searches, and Texas with 2,660.83 searches.

In the second position is [ppp1], registering an average monthly search volume of 32,278. It emerged as the favored luxury vacation destination in 20 states, attracting an average of 1,097.50 searches from Washington and 1,019.17 searches from Ohio.

Bali secures the third rank, with an average monthly search volume of 27,331 in the US. This opulent island was highly sought after in Texas, with a monthly search count of 2,784.17. It was closely followed by Illinois and Georgia, with search volumes of 1,364.17 and 1,301.67, respectively.

The Maldives holds the fourth position, boasting an average monthly search volume of 22,758. This stunning South Asian destination garnered the highest number of searches in Delaware, with 91.67 monthly searches, and the second-highest in an additional 11 states.

Thailand follows in fifth place, with an average of 21,857 monthly searches across America. Searches for a vacation in Thailand were most popular in Oregon, with 700.83 monthly searches, and second most popular in Nevada, with 304.17 searches.

New York secures the sixth spot, with an average of 16,358 monthly searches. A trip to New York attracted 65 monthly searches in West Virginia and an additional 51.67 in Vermont.

Paris claims the seventh spot, with an average monthly search volume of 9,934. The city of Paris was most searched in Louisiana, with an average monthly search volume of 204.17.

Dubai takes the eighth position, with 9,368 average monthly searches in the US. The search term ‘visit Dubai’ received 4,699 searches across the US, while ‘Dubai vacation’ had 3,322 searches.

Los Angeles is positioned in ninth place, boasting an average monthly search volume of 9,026. Within California, this city had a monthly search count of 3,083.33.

Securing the tenth spot is Fiji, with an average of 8,746 searches per month. The state of Hawaii conducted an average of 86.67 searches per month for the exquisite island of Fiji, while the term ‘Fiji vacation’ garnered 5,610 searches across the United States.

The top ranking on the list highlights a variety of stunning holiday destinations worldwide. However, it is apparent that the United States favors sunny beaches and vibrant cities over snowy mountains and winter activities, as demonstrated by the inclusion of tropical locations like Bali and Hawaii in the ranking.