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Coaching Guru Jermaine Kimbrough Empowers Players On and Off the Court

Defense serves as the cornerstone of the men’s basketball team at ASU. A significant portion of the Sun Devils’ achievements can be attributed to one individual with a distinct calling.

The associate head coach, renowned for his defensive prowess, has been instrumental in cultivating a formidable defense for ASU since his arrival in 2021. Season after season, the Sun Devils have effectively neutralized opposing offenses, thanks to the strategic game plans devised by Kimbrough.

Describing Kimbrough’s proficiency, the head coach emphasized, “When it comes to overall defensive strategies, conceptual teachings, and crafting game plans tailored to our adversaries, he is unparalleled. I entrust him significantly in formulating and refining our defensive strategies. Our players have faith in his instructions, a trust that manifests itself on the court.”

Kimbrough’s defensive philosophy commences beyond the three-point line, particularly with the team’s point guards. These guards, under Kimbrough’s tutelage, bear the responsibility of marking the initial ball handler and coordinating the team’s defensive efforts.

Known for his intensity and meticulous attention to detail, Kimbrough’s coaching style resonates well with the players. A junior guard remarked, “His intensity and focus on details greatly benefit us as a team, enabling us to grasp our positional responsibilities on the court.”

Collins emerges as the undisputed defensive leader for the Sun Devils, leading the team with an impressive 68 steals and contributing 3.5 defensive rebounds per game. Kimbrough entrusts Collins due to his defensive tenacity and willingness to guard the opposing team’s top scorer.

Kimbrough’s defensive expectations extend beyond the guards to encompass all five players on the court. Emphasizing the collective defensive effort, Kimbrough stated, “Every individual must excel defensively; it is integral to earning playing time. We take pride in our defensive capabilities, considering it a fundamental aspect of our identity and character.”

With a background rooted in defensive play, Kimbrough’s formative years were shaped by his high school coach, Bob Watson, who served under the esteemed George Raveling at Washington State. Transitioning from a defensive specialist during his college playing days at St. Catherine College and Virginia Tech, Kimbrough’s coaching journey commenced, traversing various collegiate programs before landing at ASU.

Throughout his coaching career, Kimbrough has honed his defensive acumen under the guidance of renowned defensive-minded coaches such as Chris Jans, Eric Musselman, Allen Edwards, and Gary Waters. Noteworthy among his coaching stints was his tenure at Loyola Chicago, where he played a pivotal role in the team’s defensive prowess, culminating in a memorable Sweet Sixteen appearance.

As Kimbrough approaches his third season with ASU, his defensive expertise continues to be a driving force behind the team’s competitiveness and ability to upset higher-ranked opponents. Beyond the realm of wins and losses, Kimbrough remains committed to shaping his players into well-rounded individuals prepared for life beyond basketball.

Viewing himself not just as a basketball coach but as a mentor, Kimbrough’s player-centric approach underscores his commitment to the long-term development and well-being of his athletes. His enduring relationships with former players, characterized by gestures like attending weddings and celebrating life milestones, exemplify his profound impact beyond the basketball court.

In Kimbrough’s eyes, the true measure of success lies in the lasting influence he has on his players’ lives, transcending the boundaries of the game.

Edited by Alfred Smith III, Alysa Horton, and Grace Copperthite.