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Refilled Life Jacket Loaner Stations for Public Safety

COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM)- As spring arrives, signaling the approach of warmer temperatures, many individuals look forward to engaging in water activities to make the most of the weather. Various organizations have joined forces to enhance safety protocols for individuals who frequent the river and its surroundings.

“It is highly uncommon for individuals wearing a suitable and functional life jacket to drown.”

Following previous drowning incidents, Safe Kids of Columbus, in collaboration with several other organizations, has established life jacket loaner stations throughout the Chattahoochee Valley, Harris County, and even in Lake Harding, Alabama. These stations have been operational for over two years now.

“There are seven life jacket loaner stations launching today, and it is essential to acknowledge that the success of these stations is attributed to robust community partnerships, without which this initiative would not have been possible.”

Game Warden Ryan Buice from Georgia DNR emphasizes the significance of wearing life jackets while boating.

“The law mandates the presence of a properly fitting life jacket or Personal Flotation Device (PFD) for every individual aboard a vessel. The requirements vary based on the activity and location. In Georgia, children aged 12 and below must wear a life jacket at all times while on a moving vessel, whereas the regulations differ slightly in Alabama.”

With the onset of spring bringing increased rainfall, Robert Watkins of Georgia Power advises caution regarding water levels near rivers and lakes.

“Rivers and lakes pose inherent risks, especially during periods of heavy rainfall when they become more turbulent and hazardous. Enjoy these water bodies responsibly by wearing a life jacket and utilizing the resources provided by the organizations supporting water safety initiatives.”

Although consuming alcohol on a boat is not illegal, Game Warden Buice recommends having a sober individual operate the vessel. While adults are not required to wear life jackets at all times on boats, Buice stresses the importance of preparedness.

“Life jackets serve a crucial purpose in saving lives. Relying on wearing one only in emergencies is insufficient. It is better to wear them consistently as a precautionary measure, as they are ineffective if not worn when needed.”

For families interested in obtaining personal life jackets for their children, Safe Kids of Columbus will host the River Savvy Kids free life jacket event on Saturday, May 4th, at Blanton Creek Park at 10 a.m.

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