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Moving Forward Post-Trail Legs

2020 update from the Appalachian Plateau has arrived. Just completed the Smokies this morning, marking approximately three weeks on the trail. Life before embarking on this journey already feels like a distant memory, as each passing day unfolds new adventures and surprises.

Trail Update:


  • Album Soundtrack: Currently vibing to Nashville Skyline (Bob Dylan), Don’t Mess With Jim (Jim Croce), Ten (Pearl Jam), and There Goes The Neighborhood (Joe Walsh).
  • Knee Pain: Rated at 5.6 out of 10.

Reflecting on the Trail Experience:

Life on the trail defies conventional descriptions. Each day presents novel encounters, be it with new faces, unfamiliar terrains, or unexpected challenges. While certain routines like sipping instant coffee, consuming energy bars, trekking, and finding a place to rest persist, their outcomes often deviate from expectations. The joy of hiking remains a constant, yet the essence of trail conversations emerges as a close second. Amidst the uphill climbs, dialogues meander through profound topics ranging from mental well-being, the essence of the soul, to discussions on education systems, AI technology, and more. The trail community fosters an environment that challenges preconceptions and pushes boundaries, both mentally and physically.

Smokey Mountain Chronicles:

The traverse through the Smokies proved to be a rollercoaster ride of emotions, spirituality, and physical exertion, far exceeding initial anticipations. Departing from Fontana, the initial ascent to Russell Field shelter was invigorating, marked by camaraderie and shared laughter around the shelter’s fireplace. However, the subsequent day presented a stark contrast. What seemed like a routine 16-mile hike turned arduous, depleting my energy reservoir sooner than expected, under the scorching sun. The trail’s rugged terrain and relentless inclines posed unforeseen challenges, leaving me drained upon reaching Double Springs—a stark reminder of nature’s unpredictability.

Amidst the trials, a silver lining emerged the following day as a friend and I embarked on a pre-dawn hike to catch the sunrise from Clingmans Dome. Despite a minor mishap resulting in a broken finger, the breathtaking sunrise atop the AT’s highest point offered solace and beauty, underscoring the essence of caution during night treks. A resupply at Newfound Gap, courtesy of a family friend, rejuvenated spirits and provided much-needed sustenance after a grueling day.

Venturing forth, the final leg through the Smokies was a test of resilience, navigating thunderstorms and treacherous terrains. The awe-inspiring yet perilous journey culminated in a sense of accomplishment, setting the stage for the forthcoming challenges in North Carolina and Virginia.

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