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A Peoria Resident’s Quest for a Vital Kidney Transplant

PEORIA, Ill. (WMBD) — In Peoria, Illinois, Tony Voss experienced a life-altering event five years ago that reshaped his journey profoundly.

“I turned 50 and realized the importance of getting fit. While working at Caterpillar, I underwent a routine check-up which unexpectedly revealed my kidney failure,” shared Voss, a Peoria native.

With only 15% kidney function, Voss commenced dialysis three years ago, knowing that a kidney transplant was imperative. Despite this realization, the gravity of the situation truly sank in when he started the dialysis treatment.

The quest for a suitable kidney donor commenced with Voss exploring multiple options. He shared, “I got listed in Peoria initially, then expanded my search radius to include Iowa City and the Mayo Clinic. However, all these avenues presented a daunting waitlist ranging from 5 to 7 years.”

As time passed without a viable donor, Voss confronted the harsh reality. One of his nephrologists cautioned him about the uncertainties, urging him to prepare for the worst-case scenario given the life expectancy projections and the extended waitlist durations.

Throughout this challenging period, Voss found solace and support through his Facebook initiative, “Tony’s Kidney Chronicles,” initiated at the suggestion of a family member. This platform served as a daily journal documenting his journey, attracting a growing community of over 400 individuals who provided encouragement and positivity.

Despite the prolonged dialysis sessions and the emotional rollercoaster, Voss refrained from making the crucial appeal for a kidney donor, commonly known as the “big ask.”

It was during this time that Voss’s niece, Dannie Hayes, the catalyst behind the Facebook page, contemplated the possibility of being his donor. After months of contemplation and rigorous testing, Hayes received the long-awaited confirmation that she was a suitable match.

In a heartwarming turn of events in September, Voss received a life-changing surprise from Hayes. With a simple question posed over the phone, Hayes offered Voss a new lease on life by selflessly donating her kidney.

The subsequent surgery on January 15 marked a significant milestone for both Voss and Hayes, ensuring a brighter, shared future ahead. Their bond strengthened by this profound act of generosity, they now cherish each moment as a family without the looming shadow of uncertainty.

Reflecting on this transformative experience, Voss acknowledged the fragility of life and the profound impact of altruism. He expressed gratitude for the newfound opportunity and pondered ways to pay this generosity forward, emphasizing the importance of living a purposeful life post-recovery.