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Harrowing Journey: Surviving a Hospital Shooting Tragedy

Courage Amid Chaos: Medical Director Advocates for Gun Safety Legislation

Dr. Jeffrey Fetter’s call for legislative action reverberates through the corridors of New Hampshire Hospital, where he serves as the medical director. With the support of Rep. David Meuse, Fetter champions a bill that would expand gun background checks to encompass vital mental health records, aiming to prevent future tragedies.

Facing Terror: A Physician’s Tale of Survival

On a fateful November day, Dr. Jeffrey Fetter found himself thrust into a nightmare scenario as an active shooter situation unfolded within the hospital walls. With swift instincts, he secured his office, ushered colleagues to safety, and raised the alarm, navigating through the chaos to ensure the safety of all.

Echoes of Trauma: Recounting the Aftermath

In the aftermath of the shooting, Dr. Fetter and his colleagues, including Dr. Samantha Swetter, grapple with the emotional fallout of the harrowing ordeal. Their poignant testimonies shed light on the profound impact of trauma, underscoring the urgent need for legislative reforms to bolster gun safety measures and protect vulnerable communities.

A Call for Change: Advocating for Reform

As they lend their voices to support HB 1711, both Fetter and Swetter illuminate the critical need for comprehensive background checks, especially concerning individuals with documented mental health issues. Their advocacy reflects a shared commitment to fostering a safer environment for patients, staff, and communities alike, as they strive to prevent future tragedies through legislative action.