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Impact of End of Life Act on Suicide Prevention Efforts in New Hampshire

Setback in Suicide Prevention Efforts Anticipated with the End of Life Act

Dear Editor,

Being a student at the University of New Hampshire and a resident of Rochester, I strongly oppose House Bill 1283, also known as the End of Life Act. Legalizing suicide through this legislation in New Hampshire could have adverse effects on young individuals, especially by normalizing the idea of ending one’s life with medical assistance. This normalization, particularly in a state like NH with already high youth suicide rates, may inadvertently suggest that suicide is an acceptable solution to life’s challenges.

The passage of this bill could potentially undo the progress made in suicide prevention efforts over the years in the state. It sends a conflicting message about the value of life and the significance of seeking help during difficult times, especially for young people dealing with mental health issues like depression and anxiety, with a particular emphasis on the LGBTQ community where suicide rates are notably elevated.

I urge you to vote against HB 1283 and advocate for life over death.

Sam Farrington

Concerns Regarding Rye Select Board Candidate’s Effectiveness

Dear Editor,

In response to Rob Wright’s announcement of candidacy for the Rye Select Board, I have reservations about his suitability for the role. Mr. Wright’s validation of a resident’s failure to adhere to land use regulations by not obtaining proper permits reflects poorly on his judgment as a member of the Rye Planning Board. These regulations are in place to safeguard residents and our natural resources, making post-violation permitting a costly process for the town and the Building Department.

While Mr. Wright emphasizes “fiscal responsibility,” his performance as Chair of the Long-Range Planning and Master Plan Steering Committee raises concerns. Despite three years into the project, the focus remains on outreach and listening sessions rather than tangible progress on updating the Master Plan promptly. The substantial financial investment in consultants and additional resources without significant outcomes questions the efficiency of his leadership.

By running for the Rye Select Board, Mr. Wright appears to be abandoning his current responsibilities, casting doubt on his commitment to fulfilling ongoing obligations. In light of these observations, I lend my support to Tom King.

Dominique Winebaum

Advocating for Democracy and Experience in Rye’s Local Elections

Dear Editor,

The upcoming town elections on March 12 present an opportunity to reinforce democracy, particularly at the local level, where experienced candidates with integrity play a pivotal role. In Rye, I wholeheartedly endorse the re-election of Tom King, the current chair of Selectmen, based on his demonstrated diligence, fairness, and commitment to the town’s well-being. From overseeing critical infrastructure issues to advocating for veterans and Gold Star families, Tom exemplifies leadership aligned with community values.

I urge voters to support candidates like Tom King who share a vision for the town’s progress and exhibit genuine care for its residents. Let’s prioritize character and competence in our choices for a brighter future for Rye.

Warm regards,
Nancy Irving Marston

Emphasizing the Importance of Informed Voting for Rye’s Future

Dear Editor,

The upcoming elections in Rye on March 12 present an opportunity for residents to make informed decisions that align with the town’s best interests. It is crucial that voters engage actively and select candidates who demonstrate a genuine commitment to serving the community effectively.

Having closely followed Select Board meetings for fifteen years, I can attest to the exemplary leadership of Tom King, whose dedication and competence stand out among the candidates. Tom’s track record of responsible decision-making and thoughtful engagement distinguishes him as a superior choice for the Select Board.

Additionally, candidates like Kate Dumas, Doug Abrams, Laurie Marshall Belden, Jeff Ross, JoAnn Hodgdon, and Rachel McCann bring valuable expertise and fresh perspectives to their respective roles, contributing to a well-rounded and capable team for the town.

Let’s make informed choices that reflect our aspirations for Rye’s future by supporting candidates with a proven commitment to community welfare.

Steven Borne