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Embracing a Tranquil Retirement in Italy: Trading Fast-Paced Living for a Slower, Affordable Lifestyle

Randy Tuminello expressed his weariness of maintaining a home in the United States. The couple has now opted to rent a residence in southern Italy, as shared by Glenda and Randy Tuminello.

The narrative below is based on a conversation with Glenda and Randy Tuminello, aged 70, who relocated to southern Italy in 2022 after retiring from the United States. The content has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Randy: My professional background includes serving as a youth minister and later as a senior pastor across various states such as Arkansas, Michigan, and Arizona. Additionally, we have resided in Oregon, Washington, and Texas, where we settled in 2017.

Glenda: Our journey began when we met in college in Arkansas, tying the knot a year later in 1973. Presently, we are blessed with three children and six grandchildren.

Throughout my career, I collaborated with Randy in ministry, education, and the realms of fashion and interior design. I retired in 2018, with plans already in motion for Randy’s retirement in 2019. During this period, the idea of celebrating our retirement in Italy, a country we cherished since our visit in 2008, emerged.

Our excitement was palpable as we made arrangements for this venture. However, the unexpected arrival of the Covid pandemic abruptly halted our plans.

Amid the challenges posed by the pandemic, contemplation about settling in Italy gained momentum, eventually leading us to relocate from the US and establish our new abode in Italy in December 2022.

Randy: The desire to [ppp1] has always resonated deeply within me. My grandfather immigrated from Sicily in 1916, instilling a connection to Italy within our family. This transition signifies a lifestyle shift that we eagerly anticipated. The safety and favorable economic conditions for retirees in Italy further solidified our decision.

While the future remains uncertain, our current contentment with our Italian residence is undeniable.

Embarking on an Unseen Journey to Our New Home

Glenda: Extensive research and preparations for the move spanned approximately a year. Following our departure from Texas in 2020, we relocated to Washington to be closer to family during the relocation process.

Randy: Collaborating with the Italian consulate in San Francisco facilitated the acquisition of all necessary documentation for our elective residency visa. Within eight days of our arrival in Italy, we initiated the application process for a “permesso di soggiorno,” a residency permit, which is pending approval.

Glenda: Our discovery of a charming two-story villa in Polignano a Mare transpired online two months before our relocation. The allure of the villa was irresistible, situated merely 70 steps away from the Adriatic Sea.

Randy: This quintessential Italian villa caters to the needs of a retired couple seeking to host visiting family members. Its centuries-old architecture evokes a sense of awe, immersing us in a community rich with historical significance—a stark contrast to the relatively youthful American landscape.

Glenda: Our tenure in the US was enriching, marked by diverse geographical experiences and enduring friendships. Each chapter has contributed to a fulfilling journey.

Randy: Transitioning from approximately 15 years of full-time ministry in the US to establishing my consulting practice, which spanned nearly three decades before my retirement in 2021, evoked a mix of apprehension and excitement. The moment our plane descended upon Rome, I was overwhelmed by a sense of anticipation and slight trepidation, realizing the profound departure from familiar routines.

Stepping foot in Italy, we immediately sensed a belongingness to this new environment. Language barriers have presented challenges, albeit gradually diminishing over our year-long stay, though our proficiency still lags behind that of some toddlers.

Embracing a More Affordable Retirement Lifestyle in Italy

Glenda: Our previous residence in Spokane, Washington, epitomized a fast-paced urban lifestyle, hindering deep interpersonal connections. Conversely, life in Italy encourages a leisurely pace, emphasizing the importance of savoring meals and fostering close-knit friendships with fellow American expatriates.

Randy: Adapting to the unhurried Italian lifestyle has been a learning curve, prompting me to cultivate patience. The contrast in transportation modes, with leisurely walks and efficient train commutes replacing stressful car journeys, exemplifies the shift to a more relaxed routine.

The substantial cost savings on healthcare and groceries in Italy compared to the US have alleviated financial pressures. Transitioning from a demanding consulting career to a more leisurely routine involving music, budgeting, and culinary pursuits alongside Glenda has been immensely rewarding.

Opting to lease a residence in Italy, as opposed to homeownership, has relieved us of the burdens associated with property maintenance and unforeseen expenses. The flexibility of our “four plus four” lease arrangement underscores the prudent decision-making that defines our enriching experience in Italy.

Glenda: The prospect of returning to the US remains uncertain, overshadowed by our current fulfillment in Italy. While we miss our family, virtual connections sustain our bonds, fostering hopes of future reunions on Italian soil.