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Unveiling the Gospel: Andrea Tornielli’s ‘Life of Jesus’ Chronicles a Profound Encounter

This Lent, individuals have the opportunity to engage with the Gospels in a fresh manner through Andrea Tornielli’s newest publication, “The Life of Jesus,” featuring an introduction by Pope Francis. The book, which was the focal point of a Lenten webinar organized by Loyola Press, was presented by the author alongside Sr. Bernadette Reis.

During this Lenten season, Andrea Tornielli’s book, “The Life of Jesus,” with an introduction by Pope Francis and distributed in English by Loyola Press, presents readers with a chance to draw nearer to the central figure, the Lord.

In a webinar facilitated by the publisher on February 22, Tornielli, who serves as the Editorial Director of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communication, and Sr. Bernadette Reis, FSP, the English translator of the text and a longstanding collaborator of the Dicastery, encouraged the faithful to immerse themselves in the Word of God, as advocated by Pope Francis. The book intertwines the Gospels with imaginative reflections, incorporating insightful perspectives from the Holy Father.

Visualizing the Gospel Scenes

Tornielli shared his creative approach during the discussion.

“I envisioned myself within the Gospel narrative, equipped with a notepad, documenting my observations of the sights, sounds, colors, smells, and weather,” he expressed, emphasizing that his work involved ‘imagining’ rather than ‘fantasy.’

He clarified, “The scenes, words, and events are those recounted in the Gospel; they do not originate from me.”

His objective, he elaborated, was to contemporize and animate these scenes, making them resonate as if they were unfolding in the present for both himself and the readers, inviting them to assess the success of this endeavor.

The Essence of Love and Connection

In the preface of the book, Pope Francis acknowledged the challenges of love from a distance, underscoring the significance of ‘presence’ and connection in fostering a loving bond with another.

“The foundation of love necessitates proximity, closeness, eye contact, and attentive listening,” emphasized the Vatican’s Editorial Director, “similarly, this is the essence of the Gospel.”

“To engage with the central figure of the Gospel – Jesus, continual interaction is essential,” Tornielli stressed, echoing Pope Francis’s encouragement to engage with a Gospel passage daily.

As we absorb the teachings of Jesus, the seasoned Vatican figure remarked, He imparts new insights tailored to our lives with each encounter.

Imaginative Exploration and Enrichment of Existing Narratives

The participants of the webinar noted that our engagement with Christ in the Gospel narratives serves to accompany and connect us with God.

Sister Bernadette highlighted that as we revisit these accounts, we become more receptive to the anticipated encounter with the Lord, a theme frequently emphasized by the Pope.

“It serves as a preparation for a genuine encounter with Him,” she reflected. “While His physical presence may not be tangible, His inspiration can manifest in various ways. This alignment of thoughts allows us to draw inspiration from the Gospels daily.”

Discussing the descriptive retelling of Gospel episodes in the book, Sister Bernadette pointed out that the author enriches the existing narratives by providing additional context to facilitate a deeper connection.

Tornielli, she commended, skillfully expands upon the existing material, infusing a more vivid, action-oriented dimension that establishes further connections throughout the story.

The Central Theme of Mercy in the Gospel

Tornielli delved into the theme of mercy at the core of the Gospel, citing the narrative of Zacchaeus, the tax collector, who experienced profound mercy from Jesus, even amidst scandal. The author underscored the potency of this episode, challenging the notion that one must have everything in order before encountering Christ.

He emphasized, “There are no conditions that preclude receiving the love and mercy of God,” emphasizing God’s unwavering faithfulness in continuously reaching out and taking the initiative.

Tornielli emphasized the indispensable role of the Gospels in encountering the Lord in the present day. He asserted that without a contemporary encounter with Jesus, faith loses its relevance and becomes a relic of the past.

“We must daily seek to encounter Jesus in the eyes, voices, and faces of our fellow beings, particularly those in distress,” he expressed, expressing his aspiration that the book aids individuals in encountering the central figure of the Gospel.