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Professionals Turned Mid-Life Franciscans: Embracing a New Chapter

After reaching a certain age, making a significant shift in one’s career often raises eyebrows and may be dubbed a “mid-life crisis.” Younger individuals might receive well-intentioned advice on patience and the importance of paying their dues, while older ones may face questions like, “Why now?”

But what if embarking on a new professional path actually signifies a spiritual return to one’s true calling?

For three members of the Franciscans from the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe—postulants Jimmy Beh and Thomas Pack, along with Father Steven Kuehn—joining the centuries-old religious order established by St. Francis of Assisi represented more than just a leap of faith. It marked a divergence from their initial career trajectories, leading them to where they believe they are destined to be now.

Father Kuehn, 42, shared his journey from serving in the Navy for 12 years, including piloting numerous helicopter missions during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, to his current role as chaplain at St. Bonaventure University in Olean, N.Y. Despite his successful naval career, he felt a stirring within him towards a different path, eventually leading him to consider priesthood—a calling he had not previously envisioned.

Transitioning from military service to religious life was not without its challenges for Father Kuehn. The structured process of assimilation during the initial stage of postulancy in 2015 helped him navigate this significant life change, despite his initial impatience with the journey.

Drawing parallels between his experiences in the Navy and with the friars, Father Kuehn highlighted the sense of rhythm and camaraderie shared in both environments. The bond formed through shared experiences and a common purpose resonated deeply with him, fostering a sense of brotherhood that he values in his current role.

Father Kuehn, ordained in April 2023, has since devoted his ministry to serving in various capacities, including hospices, food banks, jail ministries, and soup kitchens. The emphasis on fraternity and care for the vulnerable within the Franciscan community has enriched his life and reaffirmed his commitment to this way of life.

In a landscape where reports indicate a decline in vocations to consecrated life, the Province of Our Lady of Guadalupe stands out with the recent addition of seven postulants to its ranks. Among them are Thomas Pack, a former NFL scout, and Jimmy Beh, a former teacher and higher education administrator, reflecting a new chapter for the unified province encompassing six Franciscan provinces across the U.S.

Beh, 30, described his vocational journey as a gradual realization influenced by his interactions with the Franciscan friars, particularly Father Gino Correa, his postulancy director. Despite initial uncertainties, Beh found himself drawn to this new path, prompting him to delve deeper into discernment and exploration.

Pack, 33, shared his transition from a Southern Baptist upbringing to embracing Catholicism, eventually leading him to consider religious life. His background in linguistics and experience in teaching and coaching, including a stint with the NFL’s Cleveland Browns, equipped him with skills he finds applicable to his current role as a postulant.

As these individuals navigate the complexities of their newfound vocations, they bring a wealth of diverse experiences and skills, underscoring the universal values of mentorship, service, and community that transcend professional boundaries.

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