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Formation of Vital Life Chemical in Early Earth-Like Environments

Chemical reactions in volcanic pools may have facilitated the emergence of life on Earth.

A crucial molecule found in living organisms has been successfully synthesized from basic ingredients under ordinary conditions. This discovery implies that the compound could have naturally originated during the early stages of Earth’s history, potentially contributing to the genesis of life.

The molecule under examination is pantetheine, a lesser-known component compared to DNA or proteins. Nonetheless, pantetheine plays a pivotal role as the primary element of a “cofactor” essential for enzyme function.

According to a scientist at University College London, “Coenzyme A is present in every organism that has been sequenced.”

Over the course of his career, Powner has focused on developing methods to create complex biological molecules from simple chemicals in scenarios that could plausibly occur naturally. In recent years, his research has demonstrated the synthesis of nucleotides—the fundamental units of DNA—and abbreviated protein sequences.

His team has now illustrated that aminonitriles can be utilized to produce pantetheine through a series of reactions commencing with basic compounds like formaldehyde. These reactions took place in water, often at highly diluted concentrations where the mixtures appeared nearly transparent. While occasional heating was employed to expedite the process, minimal intervention was required once the reactions commenced.

Powner explains, “It’s essentially a one-pot reaction—simply combine all the ingredients, without any alterations or interventions—and achieve a 60 percent yield of the desired product.”

Acetyl coenzyme A is integral to the synthesis of various biologically significant compounds. Certain ancient microorganisms rely on processes involving this compound to acquire carbon from their surroundings.

Significantly, pantetheine constitutes the active segment of the acetyl coenzyme A molecule, with the other component being deemed non-essential for its function.

Biological cofactors of this nature are ubiquitous across all living organisms. The successful generation of “any key organic biological cofactor from scratch” is deemed remarkable, particularly one of such paramount significance, as noted by a researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who was not directly involved in the study.

Beyond the implications for pantetheine and acetyl coenzyme A, the study’s significance lies in the broader context, according to Adam. He emphasizes the critical role of the intermediates produced during the process, as these compounds have been shown to facilitate the synthesis of other vital biological molecules, thereby expanding the interconnected network of compounds.

Various theories regarding the origins of life have traditionally posited that a select group of biological molecules preceded others in early evolutionary stages. For example, the “RNA world” hypothesis suggests that initial life forms primarily comprised RNA, with proteins and lipids evolving later once RNA acquired the capacity to synthesize them.

Powner and his peers advocate for an alternative perspective, proposing that multiple essential molecules emerged concurrently and interacted from the outset. Rather than originating from distinct pathways involving RNA or peptides exclusively, the integrated approach suggests that all these molecules could have arisen collectively, with their chemical processes intertwined since the inception.