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Former High-Earning Woman Transforms into a Modern-Day Dr. Dolittle

By Adam Dutton via

A genuine modern-day Dr. Dolittle relinquished her thriving urban career and lucrative salary to pursue a path as a spiritual healer for animals.

Gemma Cantillon dedicated 25 years to ascending the ranks in various prominent multinational corporations, leading their HR departments to success.

Transitioning from a rewarding career of guiding humans in their professional journeys, the 48-year-old visionary has redirected her focus towards the welfare of the animal realm.

In 2020, she forwent her substantial income to undergo training as a Reiki healer, now specializing in enhancing the mental well-being of pets and farm animals.

Since commencing her practice, she has assisted despondent dogs, anxious cats, a distressed crow, and an injured pheasant, offering her services at £65 per session. Gemma employs meditation techniques to establish a connection with animals, effectively conveying their concerns to their caregivers.

Gemma Cantillon, after a quarter-century of corporate success, chose to embrace her passion for animals.

She also provides a remote service for pet owners residing afar, utilizing photographs of the animals as a medium for connection.

Despite the considerable income reduction, Gemma, hailing from Grantham, Lincs., expresses unparalleled contentment in aiding animals through their adversities.

She elaborates on her methodology, stating, “There are two approaches to animal communication—either face-to-face or remotely. I often opt for the latter, requesting a recent high-quality photograph from the pet owner, showcasing the animal’s eyes. Through meditation and visual analysis of the photograph, I establish a connection. Subsequently, I pose open-ended questions to initiate the communication process. While interpreting their responses, I rely on sensory cues and occasionally hear words. A face-to-face feedback session ensues, where I convey the messages received. Most frequently, my clients comprise cats, dogs, and horses, although my training enables me to communicate with any species.”

Gemma adheres to a stringent code of ethics, refraining from engaging with animals without their owner’s consent.

She emphasizes, “Permission from the animal’s guardian is imperative for communication. While wild animals are an exception, it’s crucial to respect boundaries, especially concerning medical matters. Maintaining confidentiality is paramount, as animals often convey significant messages for their caregivers.”

Gemma’s departure from her corporate HR career transpired following a relocation to East Sussex, catalyzing a profound shift in her demeanor.

Reflecting on her journey, she shares, “After nearly a quarter-century in HR leadership roles across diverse organizations, I sensed a misalignment with the corporate world. Taking a hiatus from HR in 2018, I embarked on a quest for purpose, eventually discovering animal communication. Following extensive training and a gradual buildup of clientele, I transitioned into this unconventional yet fulfilling career path.”

Gemma Cantillon, engaging in spiritual healing with goats.

Acknowledging skepticism surrounding her spiritual healing abilities, Gemma remains steadfast in her commitment to aiding animals in need, attracting clients who share her belief in the transformative power of spiritual healing.