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Stranded by Spouse: Abandoned During Major Relocation

Dear Annie: I am seeking your assistance as I find myself in a challenging situation. I am a woman in my mid-40s who has been in a relationship with a man for over seven years. He has four children whom I deeply care for, particularly his youngest, who is now 12 years old. Our relationship began when she was just 5 years old, and for the past seven years, we have been the primary caregivers for the children.

Throughout our time together, I have experienced multiple pregnancies with this man, resulting in three miscarriages and the loss of two babies due to birth complications. One of the babies tragically had no lungs and was born prematurely at 20 weeks, while the other passed away just eight days after birth in 2017.

Despite these heartbreaking losses, my partner has never engaged in a conversation with me about our lost babies. Strangely, he is open to discussing this with other individuals, including family members and co-workers. Additionally, he has been unfaithful on at least two occasions, although he adamantly denies it.

Recently, in October, I made a significant move from our home in Massachusetts to a location near the Canadian border, a six-hour distance. Initially, he had planned to join me along with the children, but he abruptly changed his mind at the last minute, leaving me uncertain about the status of our relationship.

I often find myself in tears, missing the older children we left behind in Massachusetts. Despite his lack of trustworthiness, honesty, and communication, as well as his unkind and inconsiderate behavior towards me, I struggle to let go of this seemingly futile relationship. I have consistently prioritized his needs over my own and tolerated his disregard for my feelings and lack of support.

My question to you is, why am I clinging onto a loveless and unhappy relationship? Why do I continue to prioritize his desires over my own well-being?

Although I cherish my new life in Northern Maine and have no intentions of returning to Massachusetts, I cannot ignore the emotional turmoil caused by this toxic relationship. I feel like a stranger in my own life, finally discovering a sense of belonging in my current surroundings.

I am aware of the numerous challenges I have faced, and I am prepared to confront the harsh reality. Your candid advice would be greatly appreciated as I navigate this difficult situation. Thank you for your guidance. – Feeling Sad in Northern Maine

Dear Feeling Sad in Northern Maine: It is evident that you have endured significant emotional neglect and mistreatment in your relationship. It is essential to acknowledge that it is time to break free from this detrimental situation. Despite your deep emotional investment, it is crucial to recognize when “enough is enough” and prioritize your own well-being.

Leaving behind a loveless and unhappy relationship demands courage and self-respect. While the process may be daunting, the rewards of reclaiming your happiness and self-worth are immeasurable. Your decision to reach out signifies your readiness for a fresh start and a healthier future.

Consider seeking support from a professional therapist to guide you through this transition, help establish boundaries, and reinforce your self-worth. Remember, you deserve love, respect, and fulfillment in your relationships.