Initially conceived as a private sanctuary for Richard and Joan Branson, Necker Island has evolved into a premier destination for discerning travelers seeking an extraordinary retreat. With its inception rooted in a spontaneous decision during a helicopter ride over the British Virgin Islands, Necker Island has blossomed into a haven of luxurious accommodations and unparalleled hospitality.
A Haven of Tranquility and Adventure
Spanning 74 acres in the idyllic North Sound, Necker Island offers an array of accommodations across four distinct compounds, each exuding its own unique charm. From the treehouse-inspired Bali Lo complex to the opulent Master Suite atop the Great House, every guest is treated to a bespoke experience tailored to their preferences.
Embracing Sustainability and Community
Beyond its exquisite accommodations and picturesque landscapes, Necker Island is committed to environmental stewardship and community engagement. Through partnerships with local organizations and initiatives promoting sustainability, the island strives to preserve its natural beauty while providing guests with unforgettable experiences that transcend the ordinary.