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Police Officers Shoot Man After Mistaking Acorn for Threat, Leaving Him Traumatized

In November 2023, an incident unfolded in Okaloosa County, Florida, where a police officer engaged in a bizarre altercation with an acorn, putting the life of a detained man at risk while he was handcuffed in a patrol car.

The viral video capturing the event showcases Deputy Jesse Hernandez reacting dramatically to the sound of an acorn falling on his car. He proceeded to roll on the ground, exclaiming “shots fired!” multiple times, and discharged his firearm at the vehicle, causing damage to the back window.

The detained individual in the car, Marquis Jackson, a Black resident of Florida, had been apprehended by Hernandez and Sergeant Beth Roberts on suspicion of car theft and sending threatening messages to his girlfriend, including a photo of a pistol silencer.

Following the chaotic sequence of events, Hernandez falsely claimed he had been hit and insisted that the shots originated from inside the car. Roberts, his partner, also fired her weapon towards the vehicle while Jackson remained restrained in the backseat.

This disturbing episode highlights a concerning display of police mishandling and a readiness to resort to lethal measures. It underscores the impact on Jackson, who expressed enduring psychological trauma from the incident, stating that he feels “damaged for life.”

Subsequently, Hernandez resigned amidst an investigation into the matter on December 4, as directed by Sheriff Eric Aden. The investigation revealed the unjustifiable nature of Hernandez’s actions, as the sole provocation was the sound of an acorn. Despite this, Sheriff Aden defended Hernandez’s perceived fear for his life, emphasizing the complexity of law enforcement responsibilities in such situations.

The repercussions of this event on Jackson have been profound, with lasting emotional scars despite escaping physical harm. His harrowing account of the experience reflects the lasting trauma and fear he continues to endure.

Sheriff Aden acknowledged the limitations in providing further details due to pending legal proceedings. Efforts to obtain additional information from the Okaloosa County Courthouse and Sheriff’s Office have not yielded any responses or records related to the incident.