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The Power of Laughter: Celebrating Life with the Calumet Clowns

A Heartfelt Encounter with Laughter

During a casual lunch at The Commander restaurant in Munster, I met Barbara “Barboo” Syler, a vibrant member of the Calumet Clowns. She playfully asked if I wanted to see a photo of her in the shower. The picture, humorously showing a shower wall with the word “ME” written on it, sparked laughter, exemplifying the light-hearted spirit of our meeting.

Lifelong Joy as a Mission

The Calumet Clowns, formed in 1978 in Hammond, have dedicated their lives to bringing joy through humor at community events, parades, and nursing homes. Their laughter is a familiar sound, echoing a commitment to brighten the days of those around them. This group of elderly women, including Sharon “Truffles” Olson and Maryanne “Tattletale” Krug, proves that joy can be a powerful force, transcending age and life’s trials.

Lasting Impressions and the Essence of Clowning

Despite personal hardships and health challenges, like those faced by Barboo who battles chronic cancer, these clowns continue to cherish and spread laughter. Their philosophy is simple yet profound—embrace every moment with a smile. As they share this message, whether through a balloon animal or a playful joke, they remind us all that laughter is not just a momentary escape but a vital part of living a full and joyful life.

The Calumet Clowns exemplify the incredible impact of embracing joy and laughter daily, showing us that even in challenging times, a light-hearted spirit can make a significant difference.