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Empowering Montclair Teens: A Supportive Journey Beyond High School

Navigating Adolescence

In an era fraught with uncertainty, teenagers in Montclair are confronted with weighty questions beyond the conventional career aspirations. As they grapple with the complexities of passion, career choices, and fear of the unknown, the Montclair Fund for Educational Excellence (MFEE) steps in to provide guidance and reassurance.

An Inspirational Gathering

Mark your calendars for February 24th, as Montclair High School’s George Inness Annex becomes the venue for a transformative mini-conference. Through engaging workshops led by local mentors and alumni, students from eighth to twelfth grade will glean invaluable insights and encouragement to navigate the exhilarating yet daunting journey ahead.

Community Wisdom in Action

Unlike traditional career events, this conference harnesses the wisdom of Montclair’s vibrant community to offer personalized guidance and inspiration. With workshops covering diverse topics such as embracing interests, navigating relationships, and leveraging unique strengths, participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, bolstered by the support of their peers and mentors.